About Game
Cats on M.E.C.H.s: Landfall! <em>This game was created for the Epic Megajam 19, theme: Down to Earth</em> Join up for a 4 people total, in this light hearted local multiplayer first person arena shooter. 4 alien cats stuck on a space carrier about to crash land down to Earth, fight one another in futuristic badass mech suits. Who's gonna get to take the last escape shuttle?!?? Controls ActionGamepadMouse + KeyboardMoveLeft Analog StickW A S DAimingRight Analog StickMouseShooting[can Hold]Right TriggerLeft Mouse ClickMeleeXQJumpASpacebarForward DashBLeft ShiftPauseStart ButtonEscape Credits <ul><li>Giandomenico Lombardi - Technical Game Designer</li><li>Peter Gatchev - 3D Artist</li><li>Daniel Velinov - Technical Level Designer</li><li>Marcel de Boer - 3D Artist</li><li>Yuli Ognyanov - 2D Artist, Composer</li></ul>