March 11, 2015
http://fightingfantasyapps.comAbout Game
Sucked through the appalling nightmare of the Seltsian Void, the starship Traveller emerges at the other side of the black hole into an unknown universe. YOU are the captain of the Traveller, and her fate lies in your hands. Will you be able to discover the way back to Earth from the alien peoples and planets you encounter, or will you and your crew be doomed to roam uncharted space forever?With Fighting Fantasy's popularity on the rise in the 80s, Steve Jackson was inspired by a different setting from the traditional swords and sorcery - instead looking to science fiction. Starship Traveller allows players to control an entire ship and crew, with each member skilled in certain abilities.Explore the vast reaches of space, updated for PC, Mac and Linux. Presented in full colour with realistic physics-based dice rolling for battles, auto-mapping, an auto-updated adventure sheet and stat keeping.
2meh 😑
1skip ❌
Find all the images hidden within Starship Traveller
Help an alien menace experience Ornithophobia
Accidentally beat one of your own crew to death
It's just you and the ship now
Insist upon being the one to attack an intruder
Defeat Dar-Villian guards while in a Dar-Villian's body
They shot first!
Slay all three Squinn to replace your ship's provisions
Be Selfish.
Give a crew member an instant tan