About Game
The Tape is a first person horror game, with found footage stylization, slow pace and creepy atmosphere. The game relies mostly on creating heavy atmosphere, instead of a cheap jump scares. Some of the scenes you are witnessing in this game are the most disturbing in horror game history.The game tells story of middle-aged detective, who is tasked with search of a young girl, missing in US suburbia. He travels to abandoned house to check some of his clues and reveals things so horrifying, that it make him question his own sanity.Features<ul><li> Explore dark and terrifying mystery of missing girl.</li><li> Face horrible creatures and enemies.</li><li> Uncover the truth or atleast try to escape.</li></ul>
5skip ❌
2recommended 👍
2meh 😑
Complete Dungeons of terror mode
Complete Forest mode
Atleast you tried
You survived 5 minutes n Dark Waters mode