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February 9, 2016



About Game

The player controls Yarni, a man of yarn. Yarni arises in the human house, from the tangle of yarn used for knitting by the inhabitants of this house. Yarni moves around the house, goes into the yard, examines the neighborhood. It is small and therefore a mug, flower bed or children's bicycle are obstacles in its way. But the yarn that Yarni is made of is subject to him, he can catch on to the object, pull himself up and climb up, swing and jump, maybe even pull yarn and walk along it like a tightrope walker. The variety of these techniques is large enough, tips help to use them. You can interact with all objects, sometimes there are creatures that can block the path - for example, insects. Yarn can not be unrolled indefinitely, it is necessary to monitor its consumption. Sometimes you can return the unwound yarn back to the "body", sometimes you can increase the amount of yarn, finding a new piece. The most valuable thing Yarni finds is memories. Memories of a family of people, from which he "comes" himself. Memories are painted with different emotions, a sufficient number of collected memories opens the entrance to the following levels. In the game there are two lines of events. Events of the past arise as memories, they are found by Yarni. At the same time, the Yarni journey goes in the present - and also serves as a source of events that make up not the past but the present.

451recommended 👍

167exceptional 👌

132meh 😑

27skip ❌





Achiement Game

Pas si fragile

Vous avez terminé chaque niveau du début à la fin sans mourir.

Le fil rouge

Vous avez remporté tous les succès.


Vous avez terminé le niveau entier d'une traite sans écraser de moustiques.

Terminer la version d'essai

Vous avez terminé la version d'essai du début à la fin

Dans les moindres recoins

Vous avez trouvé tous les secrets.


Vous avez brisé tous les morceaux de glace sur le chemin jusqu'à la boîte aux lettres d'une traite.

Des trous, des petits trous

Vous avez brisé le seau à charbon avec la pelleteuse pour trouver l'objet collectionnable caché.


Vous avez atteint le moulin à eau sans utiliser de radeau.

Sans peur

Vous avez trouvé le secret dans la salle des machines.

Œil de lynx

Vous avez trouvé l'objet collectionnable caché dans la section du vol du cerf-volant.