About Game
Run, gun, and throw your gun at an enemy and have them pick it up and shoot you in the face with it. Try to survive and be the last man standing in this Battle Royale themed Roguelike. CONTROLS END TURN and CONFIRM PLAN:space / enterCANCEL:escape / backspaceMOVE:w/a/s/d h/j/k/lMOVE AND END TURN:shift + W/A/S/D H/J/K/LPICK UP ITEM:eFIRE GUN:fTHROW WEAPON:tSCROLL MESSAGE LOG:- and +/=USE MEDKITmUSE SHIELD BATTERYb ITEMS AND ENEMIES +:Medkit%Shield Battery*Shields/Melee Weapon⮣Pistol=Shotgun!SMGuUnarmed EnemybBat Wielding EnemykKnife Wielding EnemypPistol EnemysShotgun EnemymSMG enemy OBJECTIVE Be the last competitor standing to win. Outwin, outgun, and outrun your opponents to achieve victory. Above all else don't get lost in the void. Follow me on Twitter at @IAamSlogo or comment here.