Bear With Me (itch) (MyCousinJimmy)
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September 23, 2022


Bear With Me (itch) (MyCousinJimmy)


About Game

Autumn, an Official Witch-in-Training, has used her magic to make her cozy cottage even cozier for her beloved pet, Theodore, by filling it with an endless supply of Halloween decorations and cookies.  Unfortunately, some pesky ghosts smelled the cookies baking and came along to investigate.  Now that they're here, they've decided to spook poor Theodore while he's trying to take a nap!  Help Autumn and her brand new magic wand navigate the ever-growing clutter of Halloween decorations, ward off the ghosts, and feed Theodore his favorite treats for as long as you can before the ghosts wake him up!  It's tough work keeping the cottage so cozy, but Autumn is up to the challenge!   (Note:  This is also explained in-game, as long as you don't skip the tutorial!)   The keyboard controls Autumn, and the mouse controls her magic wand. Autumn <ul><li>Move Autumn up, down, left, and right using the "WASD" keys or the arrow keys.</li><li>Ghosts are trying to spook Theo!  Autumn can shoo the ghosts away by touching them.</li><li>Autumn's magic keeps cookies baking forever!  If the cookies are done, Autumn can run to the oven to grab the cookies and bring them back to Theo to calm him down.</li><li>If Theo gets too spooked, it's game over!</li></ul> Autumn's Magic Wand <ul><li>Move Autumn's magic wand by moving the mouse.  </li><li>Autumn's magic keeps making Halloween decorations show up, and they're  cluttering up the cottage!  Click on a Halloween decoration to select it, and click in another empty space to move it there. Move the decorations to clear a path for Autumn!</li></ul> I made this game for Cozy Autumn Game Jam (2022), the theme of which was, appropriately enough, "Cozy Autumn."  I also stuck to the optional color pallete ("Autumn Glow") and used the optional gameplay mechanic "One Room Only," because why not?  :)  I made the entire game from start to finish during the jam, including the code, the art, and---the thing I'm proudest of---the music.  The idea for the game changed several times before I finally finished it, but I knew from the beginning that I wanted to do something involving a bear, and something involving some of my favorite Halloween decorations from when I was growing up.  Add in that song that kind of wrote itself in my head while I was at work one day (and that I then spent several days actually creating in Bosca Ceoil), and Bear With Me was born! I hope you enjoy it!  :)