Data Hacker: Corruption
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October 22, 2014


Data Hacker: Corruption

About Game

Our story shifts up a gear: everything is changing rapidly, with each side vying for a position that will secure their future. The SiliCAI army fends off both Virulea and Hunter attacks while trying to maintain equilibrium. They seek power untold; a way to vanquish those who would do them harm. In the coming war, on which side do you stand? Do you defend the SilicAI and their digital world, or fight for the people of the real world?This second Data Hacker title allows those who have completed the prequel 'Initiation' to import their completed save files with ease; keeping decision data, team members and inventory intact! Or, start a new game an make your choices on the fly! Features:<ul><li>Import your save file from Initiation (Keep your team, inventory and decision data intact!)</li><li>Fully voice-acted opening and closing cutscenes!</li><li>A massive graphics overhaul,</li><li>Two possible routes to take; play both the 'Real' and 'Virtual' story lines,</li><li>Over 1000 craftable items,</li><li>A fan-favoured new game+ feature with extra content!</li><li>Over 70 unique team recruits to build your dream team,</li><li>Tons of optional, additional content, allowing you to explore the Worlds to a deeper extent,</li><li>69 achievements to attain,</li><li>Trioarch; the addictive trading card game,</li><li>Two different racing minigames,</li><li>An expansive set of Worlds, Settings and Dungeons!</li></ul>To prevent the spread of , time for a

9meh 😑

9skip ❌





Achiement Game

'Dodobaird Jockey V'

'Scrooge II'

'Trioarch II'

'End Corruption I'

'Slayer of Shadows III'

'Scrooge V'

'Scrooge III'

'Slayer of Shadows II'

'Slayer of Shadows IV'

'Hacker VII'