[s]tacker - Unreal Version
Image 3842610

March 19, 2023


[s]tacker - Unreal Version


About Game

A long time ago I programmed a version of this game in Blitz3D for learning purposes. Today I'm developing in Unity and I've been wanting to get into the Unreal engine for a long time. The best way to learn is with a concrete project. So I ported the game to Unity and my idea was to reprogram the game in Unreal. After some initial difficulties it went very fast. It should not be difficult for a Unity developer to learn Unreal quickly and easily. The game is called "Stacker" and the objective is to build the highest possible tower of stones by carefully placing each stone on top of the previous one. At the beginning of the game, the player is given three stones that they must stack on top of each other. As the tower gets higher, the player will have fewer stones available to them, and placing the stones will become increasingly challenging. The game field is represented as a 2D array, where each cell in the array is a place for a stone. When the player presses the "Space" key, the game checks whether the cell directly below the stone is empty. If it's not empty, the stone is written into the 2D array, but if it is, the stone moves until it hits a full cell or the ground. Stones that can't be placed right away are destroyed upon hitting an obstacle. The 2D array is updated during the game by storing the positions of the stones in the array.







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